Scorers Workshop via Zoom

Dates: 13, 14 and 20 March 2021

Number of Pax: 7

In the month of March, the SBSA conducted a series of Scorers Workshop which started on 13 March with the Scorers Level 1 workshop. The Level 2 and Level 3 were conducted on 14 and 20 March, respectively. Participants attended the workshop in this order as part of the entire program requirement.

There was a good mix of softball and baseball players among the participants who attended the workshops via Zoom, due to the current Covid-19 limitations. Another round of workshop has been planned by the experienced SBSA facilitators, Ms Tan Chia Mien, Ms Magdelyn Chow and Ms Koh Ruoh Yan. Details of the upcoming workshop will be announced on our social media sites.