3rd October, 2020


Singapore National Men’s Softball Team:

The Singapore Men Softball Team training started U23 team selections in January 2020.  Due to the pandemic situation, they stopped training in March and resumed fundamentals, strength and conditioning and theory sessions via Zoom three times a week from end April 2020.

With the easing of social gathering by the Singapore government, the team started gym and field sessions in July. Teams are divided into Groups of 5 and scheduled to arrive at different time slot. Groups are told to keep social distancing and training on separate part of the field.

Singapore National Women’s Softball Team:

In a bid to keep their athletes active while being confined at home, online sessions were conducted that included strength and conditioning, and basics skills training. It was definitely difficult to ensure the efficiency of these sessions, but it allowed to maintain a certain level of progression. Once lockdown was relaxed and moved into Phase 2, outdoor field training sessions was held, albeit with the government’s safe distancing protocols in place. This was easier said than done, as we had to adhere strictly to only 5 athletes per group, with no intermingling of groups allowed. Our coaches certainly had to find creative ways to make training sessions interesting and productive for the athletes.